Sunday, December 30, 2012
Smurfette v. Daleks
I'm so meta even my hats have hats.
Here's my dalek hat front on. Of course, the eye stalk has been made to look more like the sinkplunger arm. This is the only way I could make it not-a-penis-hat
Got to say though, it is a comfortable snuggly hat, it comes right down to your eyebrows, and cups your ears in fleecy warmth.
Side view of the flaps for ya.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Apron, piggies, poo and a hat
I am usually the secretest of all secret Santas, but I suspect the recipient may have had something of an inkling it was me (I told her). So this braai themed apron will surprise no one. Also, I can now pronounce Boerewors.
I have had sooo much fun making this felt, fleece and pompom bristol stool chart. Numbers 1 and 2 are stuffed really tight so they are really firm whereas 5 is all soft and fluffy edged. Number 3 is my favorite.
Happy wampa hat for a baby.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
A hat and a cat
Unfortunately, some of the things I have been working on you can't see because Santa has sworn me to secrecy for a couple of weeks more. So, in the meantime, here's some bits and bobs.
I made a baby viking hat for a small scottish chappy. It was hard as I didn't have a head model to put it on so I hope it fits and he likes it and everything.
Last night I was going to carry on making the Top Secret Thing that I am working on, but my sewing machine kept bunging up, and it was cold and I didn't have any coke so I decided to sulk. So I made something not even remotely on my to do list. Here's a bit I cut out, can you tell what it is yet?
Filthy minds! It is a cute little cat pin cushion.
A few more things are on the go, so watch this space.
I made a baby viking hat for a small scottish chappy. It was hard as I didn't have a head model to put it on so I hope it fits and he likes it and everything.
And because you can't really see the stitching on the grey, here it is before I added the details to the horns
Last night I was going to carry on making the Top Secret Thing that I am working on, but my sewing machine kept bunging up, and it was cold and I didn't have any coke so I decided to sulk. So I made something not even remotely on my to do list. Here's a bit I cut out, can you tell what it is yet?
Filthy minds! It is a cute little cat pin cushion.
A few more things are on the go, so watch this space.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Mal doll
If I ever win the lottery and quit my job, I promise to make a life size one. In the meantime, I threw this together quickly (thus the visible stitches) for fun.
NSFW* (there's botties)
*OK - totally safe for work I just wanted to make myself seem edgier.
And because bumflaps make everything better and Nathan's perfect bottom should be on show more, with the bumflap hatch framing it like a beautiful work of art.... sorry. Got distracted there.
There is a reason for the elephant. If you don't know, best not to ask. Let's just say he is the mead waiter.
NSFW* (there's botties)
*OK - totally safe for work I just wanted to make myself seem edgier.
And because bumflaps make everything better and Nathan's perfect bottom should be on show more, with the bumflap hatch framing it like a beautiful work of art.... sorry. Got distracted there.
There is a reason for the elephant. If you don't know, best not to ask. Let's just say he is the mead waiter.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Altoids TARDIS
Ages ago I got a whole load of empty Altoids tins ('near mint' - the wit advertising them described them as) and I'd yet to do anything with any of them. So I made a TARDIS. The whole tin is covered in blue paper and mod podged (watered down PVA glue) to seal and protect it.
Penny next to it for size
This is the inside. The four little characters are on little magnets.
Doctor. Although he isn't really correct sized for his police box
Amy and Rory hang out with the Doctor
Oh no, here comes trouble
Just to give you an idea how teeny this all is (I had my camera's macro setting up to maximum!)
Monday, October 29, 2012
Pumpkins 2012

Here's the sigil of Targaryen, or a three headed dragon if you prefer.
Marceline, the vampire queen
A weeping angel. Don't blink
Eric Northman, a True Blood vampire (as a shaded version. and then as a cut through)
Serenity, firefly class transport ship
Captain Mal Reynolds. Unfortunately the pumpkin wasn't the best shape and so from the angle I took the picture at (so as to get the gun) his face looks a bit wobbly.
A silly little guinea pig, just so they didn't feel left out
Something a bit different - Van Gogh's Starry Night
Lucky cat
Milton Brewery beer pump clip. If I keep at it at this rate, I should have pumpkinised all of their beers by the time I'm 50.

The pub logo for the most excellent Live & Let Live
Had I done this a day later I probably wouldn't have been able to resist the urge to carve mouse ears attacking him instead.
And an extra special Halloween bonus for you. My halloween costume - apparently the least well known meme in Cambridge.
Oh *good*, another hat
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Birthday hats
I decided to make people wear my hats on my birthday [foot stamp - I'm the birthday girl, you *have* to wear this ridiculous hat].
But then... you know, the panic. What if there aren't enough?? What if people leave the pub thinking "hmm... ok evening, but I COULD HAVE DONE WITH MORE POMPOMS?!"
So, I made a couple more.
(Pictures of hats in action here)
There have many discussions as to whether to sew the mask into place so that it can't be pulled down. I'm thinking I will. I may even add eyes.
Same thing we do every night...
But then... you know, the panic. What if there aren't enough?? What if people leave the pub thinking "hmm... ok evening, but I COULD HAVE DONE WITH MORE POMPOMS?!"
So, I made a couple more.
(Pictures of hats in action here)
There have many discussions as to whether to sew the mask into place so that it can't be pulled down. I'm thinking I will. I may even add eyes.
Same thing we do every night...
fraggle. The most annoying of all fraggles. With the possible exception
of mooki. That bloody sack-wearing hippy fraggle - I could totally take
a pair of scissors to her stitching!
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Matching draught excluder and door stop set
OK, no more Adventure Time after today.
The logic behind these went thusly: I genuinely do want a draught excluder, and I thought it had to be either Lady or nyancat, and I figured having a non-functional pop tart/face attached to the rainbow would be finickity. And then yesterday, while brainstorming how else to use up my black and white fluff, the Ice King door stop came to me. Nevermind the fact that I don't have any doors.
Lady Rainicorn looks like she is in the naughty corner. Possibly because she let Jake get to tier 15 with her.
When Ice King is being naughty just tweak him on the nose and lead him wherever you want.
The logic behind these went thusly: I genuinely do want a draught excluder, and I thought it had to be either Lady or nyancat, and I figured having a non-functional pop tart/face attached to the rainbow would be finickity. And then yesterday, while brainstorming how else to use up my black and white fluff, the Ice King door stop came to me. Nevermind the fact that I don't have any doors.
Lady Rainicorn looks like she is in the naughty corner. Possibly because she let Jake get to tier 15 with her.
Door stop Ice King, looking sad that he has no snow.
When Ice King is being naughty just tweak him on the nose and lead him wherever you want.
Friday, October 12, 2012
New look
I was disappointed (but not that surprised) to learn that there is a lady called Poppy on blogger who had the exact same layout as me (I suppose Poppys using poppies aren't that original) and made cool geeky things for sale. Including the exact same thing I was cruising the internet for while getting ideas for making it for myself (syntax?) FYI - mine will be better.
So, new look! Not too exciting but at least now I'm mediocre but *original*.
Well, I have been busy of late making a lady rainicorn draught excluder (actually for myself!), a fluffy cushion and a couple of other little things, but mostly thinking about pumpkins and costumes. Next week I should hopefully be busy getting half-made things out of the way, and feeling more ready for Samhain.
That's about all, but so as not to have dragged you all the over here without some pretties to look at, have a couple of random pictures I found on my work computer.
Here's a mille feuille I made for a Neil-meal zonks ago. If I was a good photographer, I reckon I could have made that look gorgeous.
And a picture of a free range Mustard scampering across the floor
...scamper scuttle...
So, new look! Not too exciting but at least now I'm mediocre but *original*.
Well, I have been busy of late making a lady rainicorn draught excluder (actually for myself!), a fluffy cushion and a couple of other little things, but mostly thinking about pumpkins and costumes. Next week I should hopefully be busy getting half-made things out of the way, and feeling more ready for Samhain.
That's about all, but so as not to have dragged you all the over here without some pretties to look at, have a couple of random pictures I found on my work computer.
Here's a mille feuille I made for a Neil-meal zonks ago. If I was a good photographer, I reckon I could have made that look gorgeous.
And a picture of a free range Mustard scampering across the floor
...scamper scuttle...
Friday, October 5, 2012
Some old pumpkins
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Boba Felt and Kermit the Fett
The main reason I bought all that fleece back in June was to make hats and from the very beginning I knew I would have to make a Boba Fett balaclava.
so, here you go; Boba Felt.
so, here you go; Boba Felt.
(The black is see-through to the wearer, being made of a couple of layers of black netting. In the next picture I used a flash, so you see where my face is)
And because it had taken so long to get round to making him, I pushed out the boat and made two. Here is the second one. But I wanted to be a bit different, so, I give you... Boba Frog. You know, if under the mask it was atually Kermit. And the good new is I can wear it with my Kermit outfit - you know - if so I wish!!
Another assortment of hats
I can't believe it has been nigh on a month since last I posted. It doesn't feel like I've been twiddling my thumbs doing nothing. Perhaps I was just too excited about seeing penguins and going to the Browncoats' Shindig. Anyway, I could claim that I have been making these for the past month but I actually only started them all last week. There are two more to come* but I wanted to post something now and they aren't ready. Plus they are a bit... different so probably deserve a post of their own. Maybe even this evening.
Anyway, make the most of these, as I think I may be done with hats for a while after this batch. I feel my coke cans and pumpkins calling me.
Princess Bubblegum has short hair here, young Peebles perhaps? Either way I just thought this would be cool in that it has built in ear flaps. If I was to make another one I would obviously make a shorter crown. Not sure why I thought it needed to be quite so tall!
(Also - just noticed I left a needle in her jewel. That isn't part of it really!)
I've seen a few Finn hats** floating around the internet. But with all of them, the bottom strap went under the chin. I suppose that would probably be accurate if Finn were a real human, but I wanted to get that block-head sort of look, I mean you can't really see his chin in the cartoon if he looks sideways.
Many of you will have already seen me around sporting these two little puffs of nonsense.
The first is a minion from Despicable Me. A film I really must get round to watching some time. And of course, the second is a bird who is angry, he is a character in some game or other.

* three actually, I also made a Cartman hat but it wasn't very exciting and is with the recipient now, perhaps you will get to see it if said person gets proper Cartmanned-up - possibly for Hallowe'en.
***The owners of Whimsical Frippery accept no responsibility for the appearance of any long golden tresses whilst wearing this or any other hat featured on aforementioned website.
Anyway, make the most of these, as I think I may be done with hats for a while after this batch. I feel my coke cans and pumpkins calling me.
Princess Bubblegum has short hair here, young Peebles perhaps? Either way I just thought this would be cool in that it has built in ear flaps. If I was to make another one I would obviously make a shorter crown. Not sure why I thought it needed to be quite so tall!
(Also - just noticed I left a needle in her jewel. That isn't part of it really!)
I've seen a few Finn hats** floating around the internet. But with all of them, the bottom strap went under the chin. I suppose that would probably be accurate if Finn were a real human, but I wanted to get that block-head sort of look, I mean you can't really see his chin in the cartoon if he looks sideways.
Many of you will have already seen me around sporting these two little puffs of nonsense.
The first is a minion from Despicable Me. A film I really must get round to watching some time. And of course, the second is a bird who is angry, he is a character in some game or other.

* three actually, I also made a Cartman hat but it wasn't very exciting and is with the recipient now, perhaps you will get to see it if said person gets proper Cartmanned-up - possibly for Hallowe'en.
***The owners of Whimsical Frippery accept no responsibility for the appearance of any long golden tresses whilst wearing this or any other hat featured on aforementioned website.
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