Monday, May 26, 2014

Hand of the King(s), brain hat and Mean Girls

A mixed bag of little things that don't really deserve a post of their own.

I made a Hand of the King brooch, but it was the wrong colour for the wood - it should be lighter than this. (Also, I made it a right hand and it should be a left one.)

So, I made another - lefthanded - one, in the correct colour! (But I wasn't so happy with the hand on this one.)

A hat for the Haymakers (yes, I have made a brain hat before, sorry for being boring)

 And for a colleague, a teeny Mean Girls embroidery hoop - that is so fetch. I realise I am a couple of weeks late for the 10th anniversary excitement.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Whedon Dice!

I made a fabric Whedon die to tell me what to watch every evening.  And I got to use my fancy image transfer gloopy stuff.

I added Doc Horrible on there as it is only short (it was either that or that one episode of Roseanne or Glee Club!)

Not sure if dice really needs action shots, but here you go.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Serenity ambient lamp

I made this serenity wall lamp ages ago, but it took quite a while to make it light up. Who'd have thought LEDs could be so confusing?! I rather naively thought I would be able to do it myself, but in the end I bartered 10 minutes of sewing against Mike's making it for me.

It is pretty bright in the dark - lighter than a night light, but not enough to read by.  I am very happy with it!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Topsy turvy Star Wars doll

Ever seen those topsy turvy dolls that are heads on either end, with a long dress to cover up the fact that they have no feet? They are usually day time doll on one side and sleepy, ready for bed doll on the other. It occurred to me that Darth Vader's cloak would work in the same way as a doll's dress in this instance, as would a Jedi robe.
I originally wanted to make it Vader on one end and Anakin on the other. But how on earth do you make something look obviously like Anakin Skywalker when rending in fleece? He has no distinguising features other than his teenage bratishness. So instead, I made the flip side the other side of the force, personified by Yoda.

Obviously this can be classed in the very rough first draft pile, if I was to do it again I think I now know how to make their cloaks more cloaky and less ball gowny. But I still think it is cute. Here's how it works, if it isn't clear. Also, to give you an idea of the size.