Thursday, July 31, 2014

Breaking Bad embroidery

I've graduated to using picture frames for my embroidery!

This is part of my bitch embroidery range, along with the OITNB one (okay, not really. Although if I were to do that, I could totally do a Breaking Bad "roll me further bitch" wheelchair for this scene.)

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Manic Miner 'curtain'

In my (now) otherwise quite lovely lounge there is a box full of electrical things. Except this box doesn't have a cover on the front but attempts to tastefully hide itself away with a net curtain. Let me show you.

Classy, no?

Even when I was looking around the place before I had decided to take it I looked at that net curtain and thought well, that's got to go.
Apparently the number of people I know who are both old and cool enough to actually recognise Manic Miner can be counted on one hand. I don't care - I love it!

Making the little cuts in the flooring took quite a long time - at least three Buffy's worth. And in fact fans of the game will notice that this is a rather simplified version of the Central Cavern and that he has already collected all the keys. Meh.

Here it is laid out

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Firefly boobs and a new craft room!

Sorry for the hiatus in posts, as most of you probably know I've been moving house. I haven't made anything new, but I found this shirt that I did a while ago. The whole thing cost 50p (charity shop strappy top) so I don't mind that it didn't come out that well, bleach stenciling is a learning curve, no?

Perhaps wearing it with the firefly shorts might be a bit much?!

And because you have waited so patiently and because I am rather pleased with my progress in tidying it, here is one end of my new craft room - the biggest room of the house! (Better get making things now I suppose.)

There were no curtains in this room, I am trying to find the perfect geeky material from which to make some. (Vaguely thinking about this but I don't like the colours overmuch)