Sunday, May 31, 2015

Wobbly headed dolls and a bike

"What exactly was our net profit on the famous wobbly headed doll caper?"

I always thought the famous wobbly headed doll caper sounded like an attraction in an old circus, so I made this vaguely circus poster-esque thing. It is a shame I can't draw or , you know, design stuff, or it would be much better.

In situ (for the next day anyway) 

I was asked to make another little bike keyring.

 I'm really not happy with this little Nemo, he feels more like a worm than a fish when I look at him.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Baby dragon puppet and a cake.

I made a brake cable dragon! He sits on your shoulder and nods. I did read a little description on the principle of brake cable puppets but when it came to actually making him I pretty much played it by ear. With some success, but plenty of learning curves as well.
He has sparkly eyes and a teddy bear nose. And he is impossibly soft.

Excuse the shockingly poor video, I was holding my camera out to video myself *and* working the puppet at the same time. I guess it proves how easy it is to do, although it probably would have been better for me to enlist the help of someone for either videoing or puppeteering.

Baby dragon gets ready to pounce. Looking at it I think he needs more spikes. Perhaps they will come as he grows up...

 And a dragon cake. Because why the hell not?!

Monday, May 4, 2015

With you, may the fourth be.

I had a super busy weekend planned this bank holiday (some of the things actually didn't happen in the end which was probably, in retrospect, not a bad thing). This afternoon I'm off to one of the rare Stretham Old Engine open days because my life is just that exciting. But at the same time I received the package of felting needles that I'd recently ordered off the internet. I got a standard felting tool (previously I'd been using the pen tool by Clover. My new one is SO MUCH BETTER!) but also a selection of more specialised needles for fancy work such as little faces.
So what is a girl to do, watch engineers having mini geekgasms over old engines or play with her new toys? Well I'm here to tell you that the new clover tool is so nifty that this little Yoda was done in an evening. It goes without saying that this changes everything!