Friday, February 19, 2021

Captain Ferret saves the day!

 There once was a very creative and imaginative little boy called George. George told his parents all about this superhero he knew called Captain Ferret. Captain Ferret had a full complement of ferrets that lived in his trousers and together they fought crime.

I feel that Captain Ferret and his 26 ferrety sidekicks need to be better known as they are way superior to the other superheroes, with the possible exception of Squirrel Girl. So I made a book about him. (Although there are only 15 ferrets in the book. The others were shy. Or I was protecting my sanity)

[7am, alarm goes off] bzzz bzzz
Big stretch and now it is time to get out of bed and start another busy day of ferreting and busting crime

Time to get dressed. You can't catch bag snatchers in your jim jams! 

Now where are all those sleepy ferrets hiding?
(By the way the oven is not on, oven-ferret is entirely safe) 

There they are!

So I made these ferrets out of shrinky dink and I ... forgot just how much shrinky dink shrinks! That's why it looks like these tiny ferrets are all feeding at such a massive bowl!

At this point Wilfred decided I wasn't paying him enough attention so we paused the ferret feeding frenzy for a bit.

Those ferrets worked up an appetite chasing the puppy away!

Oh no, someone is in trouble, time to call Captain Ferret!
(I'm really proud of this page by the way)

And this is why all criminals and bad guys fear Captain Ferret and his 26 ferrety sidekicks. Those claws are *sharp*!

At this point in the book-making process I lost my erasable fabric pen to mark the text that I was going to embroider, which is why the writing at the top is... sub optimal. 

Captain Ferret finger puppet, complete with his sword of justice.

Aaand here's Captain Ferret's shield. Which has not really featured in the book until now.

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